The College of Pharmacy organizes a panel discussion on celiac disease

 The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a panel discussion entitled
 Checking Biomarkers of celiac disease among patients with gallstones with the participation of researchers and specialists.
 The episode included a lecture delivered by graduate student Moatasem Muhammad Saleh Abbas, in which he dealt with a study on Celiac disease, which is an immune disease that affects people who have a genetic predisposition after exposure to gluten, which is the main cause of this disease, as it works to cause inflammation in the lining of the intestine, which leads to atrophy of the villi.  This leads to dyspepsia, chronic diarrhea, nutritional deficiencies and vitamin deficiency, and causes a deficiency in the secretion of cholecystokinin (CCK), a beta-hormonal substance that regulates the contraction of the gallbladder, the secretion of bile, the movements of the stomach and intestines, and the timing of gastric emptying, which causes food to remain in the intestine for a longer period and the substances are not digested  Correctly like fatty acids lead to high cholesterol in the blood and the occurrence of gallstones.

The College of Pharmacy organizes a panel discussion on celiac disease