University of Basrah , College of Pharmacy carried out a campaign for sterilizing and disinfecting the campus.

University  of Basrah , College of Pharmacy carried out a campaign for sterilizing and  disinfecting the campus.
 Under the guidance of His excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and as directed by the Chancellor of Basrah University and the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, a team of college members  and employees  carried out on Thursday 5/3/2020 a voluntary  campaign to sterilize the halls , laboratories and corridors of the campus as precautionary measures to prevent the epidemic Coronavirus .
Dr. Falah Hassan Shri, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, also stated that this work is voluntary efforts by the members to serve and protect the college against the viral infections. The materials used in sterilization the :chlorine and dettol were diluted with water in standard  and scientific way to get an effective ratio .The instruments used in this purpose are the agricultural sprinklers and spray cans.

جامعة البصرة تباشر بتعقيم وتطهير مباني كلية الصيدلة