University of Basrah held a scientific symposium about smoking .

College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah held a scientific symposium entitled (The phenomenon of smoking, its spread and its effects on society) .The symposium included several axes, the first axis is the psychological aspects  which is due to family and personal behavior such as imitation and modeling , as well as comfort feeling of smoking .The second axis was about the methods and treatments that help in the quitting smoking, including alternatives to nicotine, such as drops, gum, sprays, or patches. ) Also, treatment of ametralin may help to stop smoking by making up what the smoker gets from the cigarette, such as pleasure or euphoria. Furthermore the symposium showed a previous study that was conducted in Basra City to reveal the effectiveness of this drug The third axis was about electronic smoking and of the methods used in this field such as electronic hookah and cigars .They are neither alternatives to smoking nor a way to cut smoking . In fact these materials used in such  methods are the same ingredients in the cigarette and even with more harmful effect. The  symposium indicated the necessity of setting strict laws to limit smoking in the university and colleges and establishing specialized centers  that may help  to quit smoking and provide psychological and educational support, as well as instructing everyone about the harmful effects of smoking by using posters and informative leaflets .

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