University of Basrah held a scientific symposium about the Corona virus

University of Basrah held a scientific symposium about the Corona virus .
College of Pharmacy at the University of Basra held a scientific symposium entitled (Corona Virus). 
The symposium included lectures that explained the epidemiology , infection of coronavirus , source of infection and transmission to humans in the city of Wuhan, central China. Then the lecturers discussed how the the viral infection spread to the other countries of the world .
The diagnosis of the cases in Iraq was one of the most important topics that lecturers discussed .The symptoms ranging from mild similar to the common cold and severe pulmonary infection that may lead to death. The methods that may transmit the infection are the respiratory secretions and contaminated surfaces. Lack of treatment obligate everyone in suspicious places to follow several important instructions such as keeping regular washing of the hand with water and soap or alcoholic sterilizers , avoid direct contact with infected people , wearing protective masks in crowded places , avoid touching the eyes and nose without washing the hands ,using tissues papers when sneezing and coughing or coughing with a bent elbow. The symposium also clarified that due to the lack of a vaccine of this  infection boosting  of immune response and processes are required ,and this is may be done by extra supplements of  vitamins and minerals (C, D3, i.e., zinc, Selenium), according to the Canadian Academy of Nutrition, which contributes to strengthening immunity for prevention or even to the infected patients to reduce the severity of the infection.

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