University of Basrah held a workshop about the registration in the scientific websites.

University of Basrah held a workshop about the registration in the scientific websites.

University of Basrah ,College of Pharmacy held  a workshop entitled (Registration in the scientific sites and its importance to enter the global rankings) .
The workshop included a survey about the most important international classifications ,their requirements and the possibility to provide the required information such as scientific activities, researches and preparing official and scientific websites according the requirements of these classifications. The workshop also included a summary of the mechanism of obtaining a university email (official) as well as how to register in google scholar sites, research gate, scopus, orcid and publons, the mechanism to upload the  scientific researches and how to update them. The workshop also showed how to register in the university's website and how to feed the page with scientific and research material that may raise the scientific role of the university's website .

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