Minister of Health honors a number of faculty teachers at University of Basrah Pharmacy

The Iraqi Minister of Health and Environment, Dr. Adila Hammoud Hussein, honored a number of faculty teachers at University of Basrah, and they are (Dr. Shaker AbdulSalem Nehme, Dr. Falah Hassan Shri, Dr. Mohammed Starr, Dr. Agied Khalid Sharad, Dr. Gibran Khalil Hassan, Dr. Irfan Abdul Razzaq Faleh, Dr. Ali Mohammed Hadi, Dr. Mohammed Sabbar Abdul Ridha, and Pharmacist Noor Mohammed AbdulRahman) In order to their outstanding role and efforts in the twinning project of the clinical pharmacy program in Basrah province, the text of the Book of Thanks The minister's appreciation for the teachers" appreciation and pride in your exceptional efforts in preparing and implementing the toma project For the secret pharmacy program in Basrah province, which shows your high sense of responsibility and depth of faith in the principles of high work, so We can only thank you and appreciate your hope for more giving in the public interest. God bless.