faculty of Pharmacy discusses methyl prednisolone drug

A panel discussion at the Faculty of Pharmacy at
University of Basrah discussed the impact of methylprednisolone on the growth of neural stem cells and distinct cells. They are neurons as well as oligodenreocytes and researcher Rua Salem said: Methyl prednisolone is a corticosteroid that prevents the secretion of inflammatory substances in The body by controlling the rate of protein building is used as a treatment for skin problems such as eczema as it is used to treat arthritis and inflammation of the intestines and treat pituitary gland disorder In addition to its use as a long-term treatment in difficult cases of asthma as well as the treatment of infections that affect the nervous system, the researcher recommended the side effects of this drug are rare when
Use it for a short period while taking the drug for continuous periods leads to the emergence of side effects represented by the lack of growth of nerve stem cells as well as the imbalance in the process of cell formation Neurogenesis.