Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy are conducting a medical awareness campaign for some medicines in Al-Farahidi Street

Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and as part of the Happy Pills campaign held a campaign on Al-Farahidi Cultural Street in
Basrah, where the campaign included several paragraphs, including pharmaceutical awareness and the misuse of some medicines such as
The antibiotics and pressure measurement and some medical and pharmaceutical advice and instructions in addition to and
Awareness about first aid and the use of tools such as pandge, medical adhesive, muzzles and
Medical tweezers... Basic first aid and behaviors in the case of burns, drowning, sunstroke and suffocation.
As one student showed people some (superstitions) such as putting flour on burning helps with treatment, but in
The truth is this myth has no existence and it is better to put as a cold material if it is a simple burning or ointment if it
Burning is strong and if it burns with a wound it is better to go to the hospital. We also explained some medication and damage.
From its many, such as the development of pharmacological resistance, such as influenza does not require antibiotics and mixing needles and
Its danger to the body and the importance of consulting a pharmacist or doctor before using the drug.