University of Basrah held a seminar about migraine disease .

University of Basrah held  a seminar about migraine disease .
 College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah organized a seminar about  migraine which was presented by  the lecturer Abrar Salman Abdul-Razzaq .The seminar included an explanation of migraine, which is a neurological disease that affects women more than men in a ratio of 3: 1 .It is a family inherited disease  characterized  by symptoms such as headache,vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and constipation. The seminar showed that there are many drugs used to treat migraines .A new drug was discovered to prevent migraines , its name is  (Arnumab) and the commercial name is amollaigr .It works to close the receptors (CGRP) , with concentration (140 mg and 70 mg) which was approved by FDA in year 2018 . The lecturer showed how to use this treatment by giving it under the skin once a month by the patient himself .The good thing about this treatment is that it does not interact with other medications because it does not metabolize in the liver in addition to that it can be used by patients with liver disease,  kidneys and heart diseases .The side effects are various symptoms such as colic, muscle spasms, constipation and  other local effects.

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