University of Basrah held a seminar about the resistance of heparin.

University of Basrah held  a seminar about the resistance of heparin.
 College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah organized a seminar entitled(Heparin resistance )  Presented by Dr. Ali Muhammad Hadi .The seminar included an explanation of heparin and its role to treat deep vein thrombosis and diffused lung arterial thrombosis, moreover it is used during open heart surgery to reduce thrombosis that may occur during the surgery, beside its using in the prevention of obstructive heart disease and obstructive arterial disease. The seminar showed that the importance of this drug is to preserve the patient's life in all of these cases especially it has been observed recently that the incidence of resistance to this drug has increased, and thus a reduced clinical response to it, which results  in exacerbation of health problems and diseases

جامعة البصرة تنظم حلقة نقاشية حول ممانعة الهيبارين