The College of Pharmacy organizes a vigil against the terrorist act that targeted innocents in Basrah Governorate.

Today, Wednesday, 8th of December, the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah, with its scientific and administrative cadres and students, organized a vigil against the terrorist act that targeted innocents on Al-Samoud Street in Basrah and read Surat Al-Fatihah to the souls of the martyrs who were victims of the treacherous bombing.

The Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Falah Hassan Shari said: “We in the College of Pharmacy, with all its scientific cadres, students and employees, condemn and denounce the terrorist act carried out by the remnants of terrorism, which targeted innocents from Basrah Governorate, and we pray to God to have mercy on our righteous martyrs, heal the wounded, and protect Iraq and its people”.

كلية الصيدلة تنظم وقفة استنكارية ضد العمل الارهابي الذي استهدف الابرياء في محافظة البصرةكلية الصيدلة تنظم وقفة استنكارية ضد العمل الارهابي الذي استهدف الابرياء في محافظة البصرة