University of Basrah at Pharmacy College organized a seminar to discus a strange medical case .

University of Basrah at Pharmacy College  organized a seminar to discus a  strange medical case .
Pharmacy College held a seminar entitled: (Strange  and rare medical case ) presented by Dr. Noor Muhammad. The seminar showed signs and symptoms of an obscure medical condition of a patient who attended to the emergency room in the hospital after feeling acute pain in the upper right side of the body when she was exposed to a strong touch. Medical investigation found that the patient has an increase in liver enzymes and white blood cells .The  sonar scan for the patient revealed explosion of one of the tapeworm sac that she was suffering from previously, but she had no symptoms. The seminar discussed tapeworm infection , infectious media, how to develop and the ways of prevention and treatment.

جامعة البصرة تنظم حلقة نقاشية حول حالة مرضية غريبة ومبهمة