The College of Pharmacy at University​​​​​​​ of Basrah and the College of Pharmacy at Al-Nahrain University in Baghdad sign a scientific cooperation agreement in the field of pharmacy.

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah, represented by its Dean, Professor Falah Hassan Shari, and the College of Pharmacy at Al-Nahrain University in Baghdad, represented by its Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Baha Sahib signed a scientific agreement in the field of pharmacy. The two sides agreed to cooperate in coordinating scientific and academic programs and experiences between the two parties through courses, workshops and conferences, as well as exchanging visits of faculty members and researchers on topics that achieve the public interest, enhancing cooperation and conducting joint scientific research in various specializations in the research centers of the two parties, as well as Participation in seminars, conferences, seminars and training held by either party, in addition to exchanging student visits and participating in scientific, sports and student arts activities held by both parties. The agreement affirmed the improvement and expansion of scientific cooperation agreed upon in the common areas between the two parties, on the basis of equality and mutual progress, and the development and rationalization of cooperation within the framework of laws.