University of Basrah ,College of Pharmacy held a viva exam of M.Sc. candidate Hussein Abdul Ameer Ahmed.

University of Basrah ,College of Pharmacy  held a viva exam  of M.Sc. candidate Hussein Abdul Ameer Ahmed.

    College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah presented a master thesis final seminar entitled:(Preparation,diagnosis and study of anti microbial activities of  some triazole compounds). by M.Sc.  student Hussein Abdul Ameer Ahmed .The study included preparation of new series of triazole compounds and estimation the activities of these compounds against two types of bacteria (gram positive and negative )and two types of fungi (wheat and yeast) .
The study concluded that some of the prepared compounds showed anti-bacterial activity and some of these compounds showed good effects against resistant bacteria while traditional antibiotics did not show the same effect against these bacteria .As well as these compounds revealed an activity against fungi .All of these prepared compounds showed strong biological activity and some if them showed stronger activity than anti-fungal drugs against yeast.