University of Basrah held a seminar about the activity and effectiveness of selena-diazole

University of Basrah held a seminar about the activity and effectiveness of selena-diazole. 
Pharmacy College at the University of Basra organized a seminar entitled (A study of the pharmacokinetic efficiency of the newly manufactured selenadiazole compound and comparison with  the effects of dipyrion). A.The seminar presented  by Dr.Nadhera  Faleh Neama. The seminar included an explanation of the  important physiological roles of selenium . Therefore, many attempts were made to manufacture a new selenium compound , study the therapeutic effects and comparison with the effects of the Dieperone. The lecture indicated that the results of the new compound are low-toxic with high LD50 .Furthermore the compound contains high anti-oxidant , anti-bacterial and antifungal effects  . The activity is directly proportional to the dosage used , in addition to its effect on female reproductive system of rats by increasing in the follicle stimulating hormone FSH and progesterone hormones with little effect on kidney and liver functions .

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