Two members of faculty staff at the College of Pharmacy publish a paper in an Iranian journal within Scopus.

Two members of faculty staff at the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Nazira Faleh Nehme and Dr. Shaker Abdel-Salem Nehme published a paper entitled (Antioxidant Activity of Novel Selena-Diazole Derivative Against Oxidative Stress Induced by Dipyrone in Female Rats) in the Iranian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, that has an impact factor of 0.8. The aim of the research was to study the antioxidant activity of the derivative of the selenodial compound inside the body by measuring the activity of the enzymes responsible for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase enzyme as well as the serum superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) inside the body to study the effect of the compound on free oxygen radicals as it is used as evidence of the generation of free oxygen radicals Malondialdehyde either selecting an enzyme DPPH is taken outside the body to measure the effect of the compound on nitrogen-free radicals.