The College of Pharmacy organizes an international symposium on Coronavirus

The College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah organized its third international symposium (treating critically ill patients with Covid 19 disease) with the participation of researchers and specialists. The symposium included a lecture by Dr. Ali Muhammad Hadi from the College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah  in which he discussed the latest developments about steroid use in Covid 19 patients. Is it harmful or life-saving, as patients with Coronavirus suffer in the third stage of the disease with high inflammatory elements and cells, which is called a cytokine storm, and on the other hand the same patients suffer with a decrease in some immune cells such as T-lymphocytes, and therefore the use of steroidal anti-inflammatories is a subject of widespread controversy Among the scientists, the danger of using these drugs in Covid 19 patients lies in that they reduce the body's immunity and also lead to a reduction in the elimination of the virus and an increase in the likelihood of secondary diseases. In addition, it leads to diabetes and neurological diseases, while Dr. Muhammad Inside Al-Rikabi, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Al-Kafeel University It has been shown that the antiviral drugs have introduced like remedisivir and favilavir in treating Covid 19. The reason for their approval. The lecture also discussed studies and research including the importance of using these drugs in treating Covid 19 disease. The definition of what these drugs are, how they work, how their importance in this disease was discovered, and the side effects of these drugs were discovered. Dr. Beta Shahrami from the Islamic Republic of Iran discussed the fact that a blood clot forms in patients with Covid 19, whether this clot is in the lung or the heart and blood vessels, and that the use of anti-clotting drugs has a major role in reducing the risk of death in patients with Covid 19 and clinical studies have proven that the patients lying in Intensive care and those who were treated with these drugs reduced the risk of death, as well as the period of hospitalization. These drugs are divided into two types, which are anti-platelet drugs and anti-clotting drugs. Therefore, the use of both types, at certain times and in special disease cases, brought great benefit to the affected patients The symposium recommended the necessity of following up the latest developments and reports on the use of medicines such as Remedisivir and favipiravir. and blood clotting drugs and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the importance of their use for critically ill patients, as well as adopting appropriate treatment lines for these drugs in order to reduce their side effects and ensure maximum benefit from their use