The College of Pharmacy organizes a panel discussion on Progiva

The Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants Department at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a panel discussion (Micronized progesteron) with the participation of researchers and specialists.
The panel discussion included a lecture given by Assistant Lecturer Nour Hameed Mohsen, in which she explained that Progiva is a gelatin capsule taken orally or vaginally, consisting of the hormone progesterone, which is similar to the natural one, which is secreted in the woman's body in the early stages of pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle. This hormone was isolated from a plant known as wild potato, scientifically known as Discorea villosa, which is a strong wild herb belonging to the Solanaceae family, where the largest percentage of the hormone is concentrated in the root. Progiva is prescribed in cases of recurrent miscarriage, infertility and the regulation of the menstrual cycle in women. Progiva is characterized by its good efficacy and fewer side effects compared to the synthetic hormones called Progestin.