The College of Pharmacy hosts the doctor specializing in therapeutic clinical nutrition, Muhammad Yahya Al-Salman

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah hosted the doctor specializing in therapeutic clinical nutrition, Muhammad Yahya Al-Salman, where he delivered a lecture entitled (The relationship between nutrition and drug therapy) with the participation of researchers and specialists.

In his lecture, Al-Salman stated that the diet represents the backbone for the treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and metabolic disorders such as lactose intolerance and diseases that require tube feeding. Therefore, visions and strategies must be integrated between the doctor The therapist and the nutritionist to avoid duplication of work, and often the doctor’s role is to raise awareness and determine the amount of nutrients according to the patient’s health condition, including the results of laboratory tests, and in light of them, the dietitian adjusts the diet to suit the patient’s condition in coordination with the attending physician.

It is noteworthy that Al-Salman holds a PhD in Clinical Nutrition (Florida), a member of the American Association of Non-Pharmaceutical Therapists (AADP), a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC), and a member of the American Dietetic Association (NASF).