The College of Pharmacy organizes a seminar on melatonin

The Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants Department at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a panel discussion on melatonin with the participation of researchers and specialists.
The panel discussion included a lecture given by Assistant Lecturer Raafat Muhammad Abdullah, in which he explained that melatonin is a hormone in the body that plays a role in the sleep process. The production of the hormone melatonin and its secretion in the brain are linked to the times of the day, as it increases when the night comes, and decreases during the day. Its production also decreases with age.
Melatonin is available as a dietary supplement, often as tablets or capsules to take by mouth. Most melatonin supplements are manufactured in laboratories.
In many cases, melatonin is used to treat sleep disorders, such as insomnia and jet lag. Melatonin is also used for a sleep disorder known as circadian rhythm blindness, delayed sleep phase (the sleep disorder known as delayed sleep phase disorder), insomnia, jet lag. Shift work and sleep disorders in children.
Melatonin is also found in some plants such as carrots, bananas, broccoli, and lettuce leaves.