The Dean of the College of Pharmacy participates in the opening of the Cultural Center of the University of Basrah in Iran

The Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shri, participated in the opening of the Arab Cultural Center of the University of Basrah at Ferdowsi University in Mashhad Governorate in the Islamic Republic of Iran, during the Iraqi-Iranian cultural week, in which the University of Basrah participates in many events.
Shri stated: We participated in the delegation of the University of Basrah, headed by Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, in the opening of the Arab Cultural Center for teaching Arabic language and literature at Ferdowsi University, in which a cadre from the University of Basrah cooperates in its management according to the memorandums of cooperation between the two universities, as it provides an opportunity for Iranians interested in learning the Arabic language and its literature As well as students who wish to study in Iraqi universities, including ours.