The College of Pharmacy organizes a panel discussion on the development of the Corona epidemic

 The Clinical Laboratory Sciences Department at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a panel discussion entitled (an extensive study on inflammatory, immunological, chemical and blood indicators to explore the main and most dangerous factors for disease development in Covid 19 patients and find interrelationships between these factors) with the participation of researchers and specialists
 The seminar included a lecture delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Iman Tariq Ali Al-Ahmad, in which she explored the most important factors that play a major role in the development of the disease. The study concluded that Covid disease is a combined network of inflammatory and immunological factors that lead to a disorder of the formation of the blood formation process and thus work on an imbalance of lymphocytes, especially T cells.
 Therefore, we notice a decrease in the number of lymphocytes and an increase in neutrophil cells, and this is due to the increase in interleukin 6 and what is known as the cytokine storm. This mechanism is directly proportional to the severity of the disease, which leads to an increase in inflammatory factors such as HsCRP, ESR, LDH, Feritin, as well as DDIMER and other factors.
 Which we have come to many interrelationships between the factors, whether direct or inverse, so we noticed that there is a variation in the degrees of injuries and the difference in the severity of the disease from one person to another as a result of the difference in innate immunity from one patient to another and the reason for the difference is the innate immune cells, the most important of which are macrophage and neutrophils and the process of autophagy phagocytosis